Posts tagged ‘Yogurt tour’

Greek Yogurt Tour: Dannon’s Greek Yogurt

This yogurt, my final to review, was surprisingly good. It was thick and creamy (and actually fat-free this time!) and stood up to Fage and Chobani very well. To be honest, I was surprised. I figured it would be on the level of the Yogplait.

Texture and flavor were excellent, though the fruit on the bottom was unrecognizeable unlike in the Chobani. This yogurt is an excellent choice for those that may want to delve into the world of Greek Yogurt before going all Hardcore.


Greek Yogurt Tour: Yogplait’s Greek Yogurt

I must say that this yogurt is the most non-greeky yogurt I’ve had. It kind of tastes like a slightly-denser not-as-sweet regular good old yogurt. Plus, it has a really long list of ingredients… gelatin, pectin, beet juice concentrate, sugar, milk, dry milk… etc. For comparison, Fage had… milk and cultures. Yep.

Honestly, if you’re looking for Greek Yogurt, this isn’t really it. If you’re a regular-yogurt lover wanting more protein (12g!) give this a try. It is not terrible… its just not really good Greek yogurt.


Greek Yogurt Tour: Oikos

I was really enjoying this challenge, until today. Stonyfield’s Oikos Greek Yogurt (0%) was… not at all good. This may have had something to do with the fact that it was vanilla and not fruit flavored, but I have my doubts.

Conclusion: Add some preserves, or pass.


Greek Yogurt Tour: Fage Total

Upon discovering Chobani Greek Yogurt only last week, I’ve embarked upon a tour of all available Greek yogurts I can put my little hands on. As I was at the grocery store last night with my husband, I walked over to the cart with a column of Greek Yogurt in balanced percariously in my hands. I told him of my plan, and he approved.

Today I tried Fage Total Strawberry. I fully intended to pick up the 0% Total product, but failed miserably. I’ll get one of those next week to review. The Fage Total has 17g protein, but 12g of fat. This is a lot for a snack, though with a balanced diet and planning, it can be fit in just fine.


It was absolutely amazing.

This yogurt was thick and creamy, luscious on the tongue almost. The strawberry preserves came in a separated container, so you can mix in what you want. The perfect fruity sweetness of the preserves was amazing the balance of the sour yogurt. I can see why people use plain greek yogurt in place of sour cream! I can’t wait to try that.

Against the Chobani, it did win in flavor, though that’s like comparing a lean cuisine meal to my Grandmother’s homemade meatballs and spaghetti sauce. I did prefer the fruit in the Chobani because it was a bit ‘meatier’ if that makes any sense.

I’ll get another Fage next week at the store and give it a fair shake. I’m wondering though if I made the mistake with the other 2 yogurt brands I picked up. Lesson learned – pay a little more attention.

But at least I discovered something truly amazing.

Product Review: Chobani’s Greek Yogurt

I’ve been hearing a lot about Greek yogurt recently, but I have valiantly stuck by my yogplait. I do like yogurt, but I can’t take too large of a serving of it. Plus, it was NEVER on sale. Ever. But this week, I decided to finally give it a shot. There are 2 brands in my grocery store and I decided to try Chobani’s first. The package is a bit larger than I normally like my yogurt to be, so I figured I would eat it as part of a breakfast rather than a snack like I normally do.

This morning I had it for breakfast, and I was pleasently surprised. Greek yogurt is not quite as sweet as the ‘normal’ kind, and I also found it ridiculously filling. I love the fact that the fruit still had some texture to it, too. I tried the peach flavor, and the peaches felt like freshly cut up peaches rather than peach mush in regular yogurt.

According to (which, btw, is a bizarrely amateur website), the benefits to Greek yogurt are:

· All natural. No preservatives. No artificial flavors.
· No synthetic growth hormones: No rBST-treated milk.
· Includes 5 live & active cultures, including 3 probiotics.
· Made with real fruit.
· Twice the protein of regular yogurts.
· A good source of bone-building calcium.
· Gluten-Free and Kosher-Certified.
· Safe for people with corn, nut and soy allergies.


In any case, this is delicious. Now I just need to find coupons.