Posts tagged ‘Announcements’

Loki’s Kitchen is on Twitter!

Today, Loki’s Kitchen joined Twitter! Follow @lokiskitchen for insider information on what is brewing in Loki’s Kitchen as well as quick kitchen tips and meal ideas.


A taste of things to come

I may have bought a new camera…. and I am amazed at how much better food looks on it. I mean, check this out:

I did not make it. I just ate it.

Meal Planning and Links

It has been a while since I have posted an meal plan, but I am finding us short on food every week because I’m not thinking ahead. I need to find a way to get in more healthy calories for my husband without blowing my diet out of the water.

I found an interesting article today on Men’s Health website (via Twitter @eatthisnotthat, which you should all follow immediately). This talks about why we actually should be eating meat! Hooray! Granted, we’re still talking in moderation and it is always best to go with grass fed and local whenever possible. I’m still looking for a chest freezer so I can start getting beef and bison locally. Anyway, it is a good read:

Today is grocery shopping day, so here is the meal plan for the week:

W: Baked Ziti, green beans
H: BBQ Pork in the crock pot, bread, corn
F: F&W Magazine oven fried chicken, glazed carrots, baked potato somethings
Weekend: Tofu Korma
M: Pasta w/ meat sauce
T: Chicken nuggets, side salad

Confession: I hate cilantro

I hate cilantro. It tastes like soap to me. But Julia Child hated it too.

This is an excellent article in the NY Times about “Cilantrophobes.”


Blech. Cilantro.

Last post tonight. I swear.

Why Organic?

Ok, readers, time for you to jump in. What are your reasons for buying organic produce? Do you only buy organic? Do you think it really make a difference?

I’m new to the organics game. Mostly due to a case of the lazy, the good organic places are no where near my house nor easily on my way home. This is why I went down the delivery route.

Also, on a more personal note, I’d like to say congratulations to my sister on her engagement! I’m so excited for you.