About The Chef

Let’s see… what can I tell you about me. I’m 28 years old and I was recently married to the love of my life! We live in Michigan, but we are both originally from the east coast.

Cutting the Wedding Cake

Cutting the Wedding Cake

My husband was born in the Bronx, NY, and went to school in Pittsburgh, PA. He works for one of the American automakers. I grew up mostly in Maryland, went to school in York, PA, then ended up at the University of Michigan for graduate school. After 2 years of that, enough was enough, and I started working for a biotech company located in Detroit. I work in IT as a business analyst. ย I quite like what I do. My husband and I live in a condo with our wild and crazy cat, Wilhelm.

Afformentioned crazy cat

Afformentioned crazy cat

About the Blog

There’s nothing better than home cooked food, but sometimes, we don’t have time for that. Some of my meals are labor intensive, and others are quick and easy. Something for everyone*. I appreciate suggestions and ideas too, plus I regularly stalk other people’s blogs and give credit as necessary. So, without further delay, dinner, cookies, cakes, pies, sides, and random other items that I want to talk about!

A picture of me and my wonderful, supportive husband

A picture of me and my wonderful, supportive husband

*except seafood lovers, there’s nothing here for you