Along with the marinated grilled veggies we made for dinner, I wanted something to go on the minimally seasoned new york strips steaks we also had (celtic grey sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic poweder). I had been watching Iron Chef for the last, oh, 3 hours, so I was inspired to make a sauce. Of course, I had about 10 minutes to do so, thus I was not able to be adventurous as I thought.

I went to my handy copy of Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything and found a recipe for a 5 minute drizzle sauce. Bingo! The nice thing about these cookbooks, if you’ve not seen them before, is that each recipe has variations along side of it, so that you can be very flexible based on the ingredients you have or want to use. It’s one of my favorite cookbooks.

5 Minute Drizzle Sauce



4 tbsp butter (olive oil is acceptable)
1 tbsp minced garlic (Bittman suggests also onion, shallots, lemongrass, or ginger)
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (lemon juice is what’s called for but I’d used my last lemon on the veggies)
Salt and Pepper to taste


Melt the butter in a small pan, I used my cast iron. Add the garlic and cook until soft, 1-2 minutes, don’t let it get too much color.

Then add the vinegar and salt and pepper. Let it bubble for a few minutes, then serve warm over steak.