Yesterday was a snow day. See:


I worked from home, but it gave me time to make some homemade burger buns to go with my delicious burger idea (which I will post about soon). I googled “homemade burger buns” and came across the recipe from Smitten Kitchen, which is one of my favorite cooking blogs on the internet. She’s very thorough and thoughtful about food. She said in her post that she’d tested recipe after recipe and this was the best. Of course, I adopted it to a bread machine, who has time to knead bread? If you want the by-hand instructions, no one will tell you how to do it better than Smitten Kitchen.

These are delicious, and to be honest, huge. Next time I’d make 10-12 smaller buns instead of 8 large ones. Enjoy!

Homemade Burger Buns



In your bread machine, mix the following:

Dry –
3 cups bread flour
1/3 cup AP flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 1/2 tbsp sugar

Wet –
2 large eggs, beaten
1 cup warm water
3 tbsp warm milk
2 1/2 tbsp softened butter

2 tsp active dry yeast
Sesame seeds (optional)


Use the dough setting on your bread machine, or refer to Smitten Kitchen for by hand directions. Once the dough is done, turn out onto a floured surface and use a dough cutter to separate in 8 equal pieces. Form into bun shapes and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking sheet. Make sure to leave a few inches between each for rising and cooking space.

Cover with saran warp, lightly coated in cooking spray, and let rise for an hour in a warm place. I use my microwave for rising! They should just about double in size.

Add a shallow pan of water to the oven, then preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Remove the saran wrap from the rolls and brush with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake on the center rack for 15 minutes or until golden brown.