Raita is an Indian yogurt salad which is eaten with curries in order to provide an accompanying, cooling flavor (even though it itself can carry some heat!). It comes in many forms, and much like good old fashioned lettuce-based salad, you can kind of do what you want with it. Generally, it includes plain yogurt and spices, as simple as just black pepper. I really loved this version of this, because I included some fresh cucumber for some cool flavor and texture.


Ingredients (makes enough for a meal for 4 people):
1 cup plain yogurt
4 slices cucumber, chopped
1/4 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garam masala
1/4 tsp chili powder
Pinch salt
Black pepper

Other possible ingredients: Garlic paste, mint, onions, tomato, other Indian spices

Directions: Combine in a mixing bowl, serve chilled and use within a day or so of mixing.