This was one of the first dishes my husband ever made for me. Its a dish that can be made as easy or as complicated as you like. Tonight happened to be an easy kind of night. We got home late from the gym and those peppers looked mighty tasty in the fridge. 

Sausage and Peppers – The Easy Way

Sausage and Peppers

Sausage and Peppers


3-4 bell peppers, variety of colors

3 pork sausage links, italian style

1 jar pasta sauce

Spices to taste (italian seasoning, garlic, oregano, etc)

Rice or noodles, your choice



Place the sausage links in the freezer for 30 minutes, or if they are frozen, defrost them but not entirely. They are much easier to cut when they are partially frozen. Cut into medallions. Wash the peppers and remove the core and seeds. Cut into bite-sized pieces. 

Make rice or noodles. 


Cut and ready for the pan!

Cut and ready for the pan!

Heat a small amount of oil in a deep-edged frying pan. Add the sausage and cook completely. Add the peppers and cook for only 4-5 minutes. They will still be a bit crispy, which is what you want for the perfect pepper texture in the finished product. Add the sauce and spices to the peppers and sausage in the pot. Allow to heat completely and simmer for about 5 minutes. 


Serve immediately over the rice or noodles. 


More complex ideas:

– Make a better sauce from scratch, start making it first and allow to simmer for a few hours.

– Heat the sausage then add the sauce to it, without the peppers. Allow to simmer for a few hours, then in a separate pan, heat the peppers for 5 minutes in a small amout of oil. Add to the sauce, cook 5 more minutes, and serve.